Image of Airnav Indonesia Reveals The Number Of Flights Has Returned To Normal
21 Apr 2022 1 min read
Airnav Indonesia Reveals The Number Of Flights Has Returned To Normal

Jakarta - AirNav Indonesia predicts a significant increase in the number of flights up to 239 percent in this year's Lebaran air transportation, starting from April 24 to May 11, 2022."Compared to the same period in 2021, it was around 239 percent," said AirNav Indonesia Corporate Secretary Rosedi in a written statement, Wednesday 20 April 2022.According to Rosedi, the increase in the number of flights on Lebaran this year is the impact of the government's policy of allowing people to travel back and forth, after two years ago a number of restrictions were imposed.However, he said, the number of flights had gradually returned to normal over the course of 2022. "When compared to the average flight during March 2022, the prediction of an increase in the number of flights in the Lebaran period this year is in the range of 5 percent," said Rosedi. Source :

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Image of Foreigners Entering Indonesia with Vitas Mandatory Convert To ITAS Before 30 Days
21 Apr 2022 2 min read
Foreigners Entering Indonesia with Vitas Mandatory Convert To ITAS Before 30 Days

The news of the opening of Immigration Checkpoints (TPI) for several airports and seaports in Indonesia for foreigners has attracted foreign arrivals from various parts of the world, especially after the implementation of Free Tourist Visa (BVK) and Visa On Arrival (VOA). However, there are some foreigners who come to Indonesia using a Limited Stay Visa (Vitas). The Vitas users are required to report to the immigration office and convert their Vitas into a Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) a maximum of 30 days from arrival.The Sub-Coordinator of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Immigration, Achmad Nur Saleh, explained that based on Government Regulation Number 48 of 2021, the application for a Limited Stay Permit must be submitted within 30 (thirty) days after the entry sign is given. “This regulation is especially emphasized on foreigners who enter Indonesian territory using Vitas. According to public understanding, Vitas have a longer validity period, so there is no need to immediately go to the Immigration office. However, according to PP 48 of 2021, foreigners who enter Indonesia using Vitas are required to report to the Immigration office and convert them to ITAS no later than 30 days after arrival, "said Achmad.Meanwhile, a Visit Visa indexed B211 A is also valid as a visit stay permit. Foreigners who use this type of visa only need to come to the immigration office if they want to extend their residence permit."In addition, in PP No. 31 of 2013 Article 143 Paragraph (2) states, if a Limited Stay Permit is not submitted within the specified period, then a fee will be charged in accordance with the provisions of the legislation," he added.Therefore, Achmad urges foreigners and their guarantors to be aware and remember to take care of reporting and converting Vitas to ITAS. Limited Stay Permit is issued within 4 (four) working days after the foreigner reports and applies for a residence permit.  Source :

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Image of Press Release : Government Imposes New Tariffs for Immigration Services, VoA and VITAS Unchanged
21 Apr 2022 8 min read
Press Release : Government Imposes New Tariffs for Immigration Services, VoA and VITAS Unchanged

The government regulates the new tariffs for immigration services through Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 9/PMK.02/2022 concerning Types and Tariffs for Types of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) on Immigration Services Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. This regulation is effective 60 days from its promulgation, which falls on Saturday (16/4/2022).Previously, the tariff for immigration services was regulated in Government Regulation (PP) No. 28 of 2019. This new PMK regulates tariffs for new services that have not been accommodated in PP 28 of 2019 as well as changes to several service rates.“There is a new immigration service that is mandated by the Job Creation Act and the tariff must be accommodated. In terms of visas, the only thing that changes is the tariff for the visit visa. For services that are not listed in the PMK, the tariff still refers to PP 28 of 2019, Visa on Arrival (VoA), for example, the tariff is still Rp. 500.000,-, as well as the extension. Nothing has changed,” explained Plt. Director General of Immigration, Widodo Ekatjahjana.A significant difference in this new PMK is the change in rates for a One-Trip Visit Visa. As of April 16, the Visit Visa is valid for 60 days at a rate that was previously USD 50, now costs Rp. 2.000.000,- for a Visit Visa (VK) other than a tourist destination. As for VK tours, foreigners have to pay Rp. 1.500.000,-. This rate includes the previous visa processing fee of Rp. 200,000,-. The good news is that a visit stay permit from this type of visa can be extended for the next 60 days at a cost of Rp. 2.000.000,-.“For a Limited Stay Visa, the terms and rates do not change. Still referring to the old rules,” said Widodo.Regarding the changes and new rules for residence permit service tariffs, Widodo further explained.“In this PMK, in addition to the pre-investment visit stay permit (ITK), many regulations are also set regarding limited stay permits (ITAS) not in the context of working for a second home. As of April 16 tomorrow, both have not been applied because the pre-investment Visit Visa and VITAS for the second house have not yet been submitted. This second home ITAS is a new service, the same as ITK for pre-investment. The new tariff that is already in effect is only a visit stay permit with a validity period of 60 days.”In short, although PMK Number 9/PMK.02/2022 regulates various kinds of immigration service tariffs, the tariffs imposed on Saturday (16/4) are only One-Trip Visit Visa, Tourist Visit Visa and Extension of a 60-day Visit Stay Permit. The application of other service tariffs is still waiting for the relevant legal product, or it has not been opened yet considering that the Covid 19 pandemic has not been declared over and Indonesia is still applying for a limited visa grant.RECAPITULATION OF TYPES AND RATE FOR TYPES OF PNBP RELATED TO PMK NO. 9/PMK.02/2022 AND PP NO. 28 YEAR 2019NOVISA TYPEPRICEUNITINFORMATION  1Visit Visa One-Trip Maximum 60 DaysRp2.000.000,00Per PersonPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022   2Single-Trip Visit Visa Maximum 180DayRp6.000.000,00 Per PersonPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022  3One-time Visit Visa in the Context of Travel for a Maximum of 60 DaysRp1.500.000,00Per PersonPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022   4Multiple Visit VisaTrip Times Calculated per YearRp3.000.000,00Per PersonPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022  5Current Visit Visa onArrival (VOA)Rp500.000,00Per PersonPP No. 28 Tahun2019 (UNCHANGED)   6Limited Stay VisaUS$150.00 Per applicationPP No. 28 Tahun 2019 (UNCHANGED)   7Limited Stay Visa Notin Order to Work for a Second HomeRp3.000.000,00Per applicationPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022    8Limited Stay Visa Not in Order to Work for a Second Home for Followers(Husband/Wife/Kids/Parents)Rp2.000.000,00Per PersonPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022  9Visit Stay Permit Validity Period Maximum 60 DaysRp2.000.000,00 Per applicationPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022   10Visit Stay Permits Valid for Maximum 180 Daysfor PreinvestRp6.000.000,00Per applicationPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022 11Extension of Visiting PermitValidity Period 30 daysRp500.000,00 Per applicationPP No. 28 Tahun2019 (UNCHANGED)    12Limited Stay Permits Not in the Context of Working for a Second Home with a PeriodMaximum Stay 5 YearsRp12.000.000,00Per applicationPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022   13Limited Stay Permit Not in the Context of Working for a Second Home For Followers (Husband/Wife/Children/Parents) with a Maximum Stay Period of 5 YearsRp3.500.000,00Per PersonPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022   14Permanent Stay Permit Not in the Context of Working for a Second House with a Maximum Stay Period of 5 YearsRp15.000.000,00Per applicationPMK No.9/PMK.02/202215Permanent Stay Permit Not in the Context of Working for a Second Home for Followers (Husband/Wife/Child/Parents) with a Maximum Stay Period of 5 YearsRp5.000.000,00Per PersonPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022   16Permanent Stay Permit Not in the Context of Working for a Second House with an Indefinite PeriodRp30.000.000,00Per application PMK No.9/PMK.02/2022   17Permanent Stay Permit Not in the Context of Working for a Second Home for Followers (Husband/Wife/Children/Parents) with No TermLimited Rp15.000.000,00Per Person PMK No.9/PMK.02/2022  18Re-entry Permit Validity Period of 5 (five) years Special for AreasSpecial Economics (SEZ)Rp3.250.00,00Per applicationPP No. 28 Tahun 2019 (UNCHANGED)  19Re-entry Permits Valid for a Maximum of 5 Years in the Context of a Second House Rp6.000.000,00Per application PMK No.9/PMK.02/2022   20Re-entry Permits are valid for a maximum of 5 years in the context of a second home for followers(Husband/Wife/Child/Parent)Rp1.500.000,00Per PersonPMK No.9/PMK.02/2022 Source :    

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Image of More Expanded, Visa on Arrival is Valid at Soekarno Hatta Airport
06 Apr 2022 2 min read
More Expanded, Visa on Arrival is Valid at Soekarno Hatta Airport

JAKARTA - The government continues to take steps to restore tourism by adding foreign tourist entrances to Indonesia. One of them is the granting of a visa on arrival (VoA) at Soekarno Hatta International Airport and at several other airports in Indonesia.The Directorate General of Immigration issues Circular Number IMI-0549.GR.01.01 of 2022 concerning Ease of Immigration to Support Sustainable Tourism During the Covid-19 Pandemic. In the SE, it was noted that there were additional immigration checkpoints at the airport. After previously being the first to open Bali, as of April 5, 2022, Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Jakarta and Yogyakarta International Airport can provide VoA.In addition to VoA, foreign tourists from Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam can use visa-free special tourist visits through the airports listed. The following is a list of additional airport immigration checkpoints:Soekarno Hatta in DKI JakartaNgurah Rai in BaliKualanamu in North SumatraJuanda in East JavaHasanuddin in South SulawesiSam Ratulangi in North SulawesiYogyakarta in DI YogyakartaPreviously, at the end of March 2022, the addition of countries that could administer VoA in Bali had brought nearly 15,000 foreign tourists to the Island of the Gods. This expansion is a step to restore the tourism sector. Looking at BPS data, the number of foreign tourists visiting from January to February 2022 was only around 33,000 people, which is much different from the number in the same period in 2019, which was almost 1.8 million people. Keep in mind, referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 28 of 2018 the granting of a visa-free visit for special tours is only valid as a stay permit for a visit for 30 days and cannot be extended. Source :

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Image of Implementation of Visa on Arrival, Nearly 15,000 Foreign Tourists Visit Bali
06 Apr 2022 2 min read
Implementation of Visa on Arrival, Nearly 15,000 Foreign Tourists Visit Bali

JAKARTA - The application of visa on arrival (VoA) which has been going on since early March 2022 has succeeded in bringing nearly 15,000 foreign tourists to the island of Bali. Deputy for Strategic Policy at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) Nia Niscaya said this was an effect of making it easier for foreign tourists to come using VoA. "From the beginning, there were almost 15,000 tourists, especially in Bali, until the 26th. Most VoA users come from Australia, Singapore, the United States, France and England," Nia said in the Ministry of Tourism's Weekly Press Briefing, Monday (28/3/2022).Nia assessed that the VoA policy was more effective than an electronic visa or e-visa in terms of bringing in foreign tourists.“It is very clear that the growth of foreign tourists visiting was when it was still an e-visa and then VoA. There are numbers that get e-visas in one month, while VoA is only for one week," he explained. On the same occasion, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said government policies had a positive impact on the level of foreign tourists visiting. "This is a policy that is right on target, has the right benefits, and is on time. And Alhamdulillah, it did not trigger an increase in Covid-19 cases," said Sandi.Currently, there are 42 countries that have access to VoA, making it easier for them to visit Indonesia. The increasing number of visits is expected to be a momentum for economic revival for Indonesia. "Surely this is a new optimism, momentum for our economic revival and can open up business opportunities and jobs," said the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. The government plans to expand VoA facilities to several other entrances in Indonesia, including Medan Kualanamu Airport, Soekarno-Hatta Tangerang-Banten, Juanda Surabaya, Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar, and Sam Ratulangi Manado. Source :

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Image of Easing Travel to Bali Increasingly Boosts the Property Sector
06 Apr 2022 3 min read
Easing Travel to Bali Increasingly Boosts the Property Sector

JAKARTA - The tourism sector on the island of Bali was hit hard because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, as the positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia have decreased, the Island of the Gods has returned to life, which is marked by the return of domestic and international tourists to Bali for vacation. Although the tourism sector in Bali had experienced a drastic decline due to the pandemic, it was the opposite with the property sector. During the pandemic, the property sector in Bali still grew by around 20-30 percent. In fact, Ciputra Group's General Manager of Marketing, Andreas Raditya, predicts that the easing of travel policies to Bali could increase Bali's property market by more than 30 percent this year.According to him, the growth of property investment in Bali is not affected by the pandemic conditions, even in 2021 many people tend to invest in Bali.This condition, said Raditya, especially occurred in the Ciputra Group project, namely Ciputra Beach Resort in Tabanan, whose sales increased by approximately 30 percent. "This achievement is certainly very good during this pandemic, while many property projects in other areas have declined. Bali is indeed different from other provinces in Indonesia because Bali is one of the best tourist destinations in the world," said Raditya in a press release, Tuesday (29/3/2022).Buyers of houses and lots at Ciputra Beach Resort, said Radit, are still dominated by investors from Jakarta and Surabaya, around 75 percent, the rest are local buyers and from other provinces.Raditya explained that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the work culture of the community, most of whom work from home. Correspondingly, young executives and entrepreneurs are inspired to take control of their work from Bali. "Based on our monitoring, the demand for people living in Bali is increasing, especially those over the age of 30 who tend to think about investing in Bali," he said.Last year, he said, it could be said that sales of houses and plots at Ciputra Beach Resort in Bali increased by around 30 percent compared to 2020. Currently, Bali is the main destination of choice for people working remotely. This means a work style that allows professionals to work outside of an office environment. Current work trends lead millennials to choose an office with flexibility that allows them to work remotely. In addition, the trend of domestic tourist interest in Bali has increased sharply so that although foreign tourist arrivals have decreased, Bali is still attractive for the domestic market. "That's why Bali is interesting." Apart from the trend of working remotely, infrastructure development, especially toll roads, said Raditya, also makes property in Bali more attractive. For example, Ciputra Beach Resort is benefiting from the development of the Gilimanuk–Mengwi toll road, which is planned to start construction in June 2022 and is targeted for completion in 2024. “The location of Tabanan is between Gilimanuk, Kuta, and Mengwi. So sales of this project have increased where most of the purchases from Jakarta and Surabaya can easily access Ciputra Bali Beach Resort,” he said. Currently, Resvara's newest cluster, which offers houses and lots with prices starting from Rp. 2 billion, is attractive to investors. Moreover, in early March, examples of houses, namely the Askana Type and the Svana Type, were already available at the Ciputra Beach Resort project site. The Resvara cluster was developed on 7.2 hectares of land east of the Ciputra Beach Resorts area and consists of 190 units of two types, Askana (7 x 15) and Svana (10 x 20) both plots and houses. Ciputra Beach Resort is developed on 80 hectares of land with a coastline of 1.7 kilometers so that it has a charming view and is also surrounded by Balinese scenery, terraced rice fields. Source :

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